Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

The kids are out of school until January. My parents came for breakfast this morning. I made baked french toast which soaked in cream, eggs, vanilla ans maple syrup all night. I also made hash brown pototoes in the oven laced with bacon, onion and cheddar cheese. And sausage gravy and buttermilk biscuits. A really yummy, stick to your ribs celebration.
Presents were exchanged, the girls made snowmen and grandma and grandpa were off until spring. They will be at my brother's house tomorrow and then they will head south to Florida until April.
Scalloped sweet pototoes are in the oven for tonight's open house at my girl friends. Bio's present is wrapped and waiting to go along with a plate of cookies and fudge. No idea what time she is coming. She didn't ask to pick the kids up early so it should be 3:30 but you never know. They will be back tomorrow morning with Seth in tow.
Hubby is sleeping soundly. He went to bed after breakfast. Tonight is his last night of work for the week.
So, the afternoon and evening will be spent relaxing and waiting for Santa to arrive.


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Blessings to you and your family. Gosh, the French toast and hash browns sound yummylicious.

Kathy said...

Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family!
