Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where I've Been

Wow, it's Tuesday already. Last week hubby came home telling me that Toby Keith and Trace Adkins were coming to CT on Friday. Do you think we could get tickets? A few hours later the phone rings and my boss offers me six free lawn seats to the concert. Way to call it in I tell him. We took the kids to their first concert. They were so excited. I had never sat on the lawn before and was told it was a lot of fun. Maybe, if you were drunk, stoned and 21. The majority of the lawn never sat down, never stood still, never watched the concert - they just walked around bumping into people and texting their friends. Next time we will pay for regular seats. It was nuts. A great experience as it reinforced to my kids why they don't want to drink. I don't care that the seats were free or even if I had paid the $20.00 fee - I want to see the concert. Why else would you be there? Obviously it was more to be seen than to see.

Saturday we headed to the New England Air Museum. They were having an open house in conjunction with the Air National Guard and the Fire Academy. It was free. The national guard had gun demonstrations and their helicopters, planes and firefighting apparatus on view. You could also sit in them. They had plenty of people on hand to answer questions and show you things. The fire academy had the kids smoke house. They also set up a 1 1/2" hose for the kids to try and put out a fire. The air museum had a few planes you could sit in that are not normally open to the public, demonstrations, talks and a make your own rocket for the kids. It was a great day. And to top it all off my girlfriend from the farm were down with her husband and nephew. The kids had fun and we got to catch up.

Sunday I went shopping with a friend in the morning. Our shopping trips are much more about visiting and walking alone - no kids, no husbands. I got back at lunch time and took the kids to the beach. We spent Monday afternoon at the beach as well.

In between I managed to fit in countless loads of laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning out the kitchen cabinets. I also removed everything from the kitchen counters, washed and reorganized. I put away some gadgets I don't use often and was able to make a lot more counter space. And tomorrow I go back to work after my five days off - maybe to relax. LOL


Unknown said...

hey its good to see you... i was wondering how you were in all my travels... it was great having lunch and catching up the other day... hope i see you again soon... i'd love to know how you make that sugar scrub you gave me for my birthday!!

lynette355 said...

sounds like education beat out concert big time
funny how we see things different when we are not "21". lol

sorry the concert was a dud due to others...just download the music and have a mini concert in the back yard with the kids and making smores

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Oh, I so need to clear out my kitchen cabinets!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Thanks for the update! :)
