Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Camping Out

After the heavy, heavy rains last year at herb fest I came home and bought a new tent. The one I had been using was from high school and I couldn't stand up in it. The new one I can stand in, has more room and a porch on the front. It also said it was water proof in several different ways.

Youngest and I set it up in the yard this week end so I could see how it worked. I also wanted to test out the new air mattresses.

Youngest slept out in the tent alone last fall (in the front yard). This year she would only sleep out if I did. So, Sunday night the two of us camped out. We read by lantern light (gotta love LED's).

She's been climbing in with me at night again. It comes in spurts. I can't tell if it is because bio lied once again about visiting or if she is nervous about school starting. I know opening her locker is really worrying her. We're going to take her up before school starts and let her practice opening the locker.

And in less than two weeks I'll be at the Women's Herbal Conference with both my girls. I am so excited!!!!!!

1 comment:

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

As for the WHC - lucky you! This is two years I've missed it. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
