Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm off to see

my BFF at the farm. The trip that has been postponed since February is here. Yeah! And to top it off Barb has the week end off as well.

Hubby has the week end off and the kids are home with him. This week end is the Riverton fair which they should enjoy. And Daddy I'm sure will buy pizza one night. Today he is at the elementary school for fire safety day. Youngest is so EXCITED! She has on a FD t-shirt and sweatshirt. She got up at 5:15 this morning to make Daddy a lunch so he could eat with her. It is so damn cute.

Oldest has a boyfriend and son has a girlfriend. It is so nice to finally see them acting like normal teenagers. Son has spent hours on the phone with GF. His buddy told oldest , shh I think son likes ... Really, like we couldn't figure that out. Too funny!

This morning I turned the overripe bananas into cookies and made a batch of gluten free cookies to take to Barb. I've paid the bills and I'm off to pack and grocery shop. Then I'm outta here. I'll be back some time on Monday - maybe.

And Obama won the Nobel peace prize. It is definitely a good day. Enjoy your week end everyone.

1 comment:

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Umm ... "It is so nice to finally see them acting like normal teenagers."

THERE's something you *don't* hear every day! LOL!

Have a wonderful Kim - I know you will. :)
