Saturday, November 28, 2009

new look

I couldn't take the pink any longer. I love cooking and saw this cute design and couldn't resist.

What's cooking?

So far the leftovers have morphed into turkey croquettes. I used turkey and the left over wild mushroom and cornbread stuffing. Ground those together with some egg and cream and formed them into patties. A little breading and I fried them up and served them with gravy. Yum! Today I tackle the turkey soup. The kids have all been asking for the soup. It's really easy. I just simmer the carcass for hours. I strain the broth for the soup. Pick through the bones and add the meat back. I chop up carrots, celery, parsnips, onion, potato and sweet potato and anything else I can chop along with a few herbs and let simmer. For dinner tomorrow I'm thinking turkey alfredo lasagna with spinach and feta.

Last night I went to a poetry reading of a friend. It was wonderful. She had a friend host it with tea and cookies. The cookies were out of this world. I asked for recipes. She is going to e-mail me. But, two of the recipes come from The Spice House. My favorite was the curry and cardamom cookie and you can find it on there website.


Tina said...

wow, i am impressed with your cooking skills.... i am not very good at that all. should come take lessons from you lol

Laura Rose said...

New look is awesome!!! :)

Kathy said...

I got lost after "it's simple.." I'm really impressed. My family won't let me do anything with left overs. They want to recreate a Thanksgiving plate over and over. It's pretty much gone now...:)

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Curry and cardamon, yummy!! Thank you!
