Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting Healthy

I finally woke up and decided that I'm tired of feeling blah!  So over the past few months I've been making small changes to get back on track to being the healthiest I can.  So, what have I learned so far.

Baby steps are still forward steps.  It's not how fast you propel yourself forward just that you do.

Feeling good - feels good.  Seems kind of obvious but I get in to a rut and stop doing things that make me feel good.  Suddenly I'm in that downward spiral - I feel to bad to do something that feels good and.....

Too much good food is still too much.  Portions, portions, portions

That I really have more time in my schedule than I claim to have.  I just need to add things to my to do list and the next thing I know they fit in my schedule.  I'm one of those crazy list makers that needs to check things off as I go.  It makes me feel better.  So do colorful charts and cute stickers.  My inner six year old is showing.

I need to surround myself with like minded individuals.  I need active, health conscious people in my life.  We motivate each other.  Switching balance groups because of HIM was a gift.  The other group is active - walking the walk and talking the talk.  It makes me want to do better.  There are a few runners in the group.  I've never run before.  But, some of the races have a walking component.  It's a start.  And my goal - to have my family start the New Year at the Chilly Chili Race.  A 5K.  Four men in their nineties ran it this year.  What's my excuse?

I read an article Friday about a women who ran the Hawaii marathon at age 92.  The oldest woman to run a marathon.  At age 84 she was watching the race and said, "I want to do that."  She went on to do that four times.  She walks 50 miles a week.

I read an article in Newsweek over vacation.  A man learned to read and write when he was in his early nineties.  Now he has his first published book.

Healthy does not mean losing weight.  Weight loss may come with getting healthy but that is not the goal. 

So what have I done so far...

reading more and playing on the computer less
signed up for "school"
changed tampons
started walking again
went to the chiropractor and followed his advice
started my food journal - again
started penciling in dates with friends more frequently
keep a dream journal
less coffee and more tea
added stretches to my daily routine
let go of.........
pray for bio

and a whole host of other little things

Slowly, my energy is coming back.  Ah, what a lively journey this is.
