Friday, January 27, 2012

Feeling Better

Back in the day - a long time ago - the doctor recommended the South Beach diet to me.  I checked books out of the library and liked the concept.  You eliminate all the "bad" carbs and many of the "good" from your diet for a period of time (usually 2 weeks) and then you slowly add good carbs back into your diet.

And then I put the books down and went back to my life.

I've been on a kick to feel my best - mind, body and soul.  The chiropractor and massage therapist along with the exercises recommended worked out all the locked up joints.  The exercises became part of my daily routine and then I finally got my fat arse walking again.  I love to walk and am not sure why I stopped.

But, I still felt bloated - yukky.  Not bad but not good.  So, I looked at my diet.  I eat pretty healthy food but in abundance.  And I eat mostly whole grains and very little white stuff but.....  I tried the south beach diet minus the artificial sweetener (don't get me on that soap box).  Within days I felt so much better.  My energy started to creep back. I didn't tell the family I just changed every one's nightly meal.  Hubby picked up on it after a week.  The kids still haven't said anything. 

Instead of meat, vegetable and potato or grain we have meat (lean protein) and two vegetables (or more)  with no starchy vegetables in the mix.  When it was time to start adding food back the one piece of whole wheat bread seemed to bother my system.  So, I'm still gluten free.  I am eating small amounts of brown rice and quinoa but think I'll take a little longer before trying bread again.

They claim by this time I should be past craving the carbs.  And for the most part I am.  I didn't even miss the potato but bread...... 

And then I think about how good I feel.

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