Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nice does matter

Annie wrote the other day about how nice does matter. I thought maybe I should read the paper more. I remember now why I don't read the newspaper. This Sunday there was an article about a mother and her daughters who go to funerals of fallen soldiers and protest. They carry signs that read "the only good soldier is a dead soldier" and "you will rot in hell." The women's father started his own church and preaches that war is sinful. Now, I don't agree with the war or any war but these soldiers are doing their job. They are fighting for what they believe in and our elected officials have agreed for us that we believe in. One lawsuit has been filed against the protesters and they lost in court. It is appeal. It comes down to the right to free speech versus purposely causing undo emotional pain. I agree with free speech but this, really?! And they are protesting in the name of God.

I can say that their God is not one of mine. If you disagree with this war show it in the voting booth, take your protests to your congress representatives, take it to Washington and the state capitals. But, to protest at someones funeral is just wrong on so many levels.

And to add to that I watched the senate debate last night for CT. Could the candidates just answer the question so that I know where they stand and not spend half the debate zinging the other candidate? Maybe it was more than half. Don't tell me what the other person does or does not stand for. Tell me what you stand for. Tell me what you have done and what you will do for me and the people of this state. I hope the gubernatorial debate tonight is better.


Crunchy Diva said...

I know exactly the family you are talking about & they make me sick. Like you I'm not pro-war, but like you said those soliders are just doing their jobs. Their god is not my god thank the Goddess for that!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

These protesters at Military funerals disgust me. Karma will take care of them in spades I trust Goddess.
