Monday, March 29, 2010

Girl Scout Week End

We were signed up for an over night at the Boston Science Museum. It was over booked and we were told no. So, we booked an afternoon at an artistic arts career fair to complete some badge work. Then the call came that we could go to Boston. So now we were doing both trips. So, Saturday two of us left in two cars with ten girls to New Fairfield an 1 1/2 away. Spent the afternoon learning about different careers in the arts - book editing, sewing, clay, and coffee roasting. Then we headed to Boston. With a stop for dinner on the Mass pike we arrived 3 1/2 hours later. Ever spend that much time in a car with 11 y/o girls. For two of the girls I had to make a no whining, shrieking, biting rule. As the batteries in all of their electronics died and they became bored it got really interesting. The other girls were fine - reading books or listening to music.

They had activities planned for the girls until lights out at midnight including the lightening show in the theatre of electricity at 11. We slept in the nature room with stuffed lions and jaguars guarding the entrance. They shut off all but two spot lights in the room that shone down on the girls. They slept right through it. We had them up at 6 so we could dress and pack the cars by 7 and head to breakfast. Then we explored the museum, saw the firefly presentation and the coral reef movie at the omni theatre.

At the museum store one girl needed to use her visa gift cards from her father to pay. She had five of them. The only problem is that you need to know the balance. The other leader couldn't be bothered. I called all five card companies to get the balances. I tried to explain that she should use one card at a time until the balance is gone and that way she could keep track of the balance. But, she was able to buy what she wanted and pay for her lunch. We used up 4 of her cards and threw them a way.

Though exhausting the trip was a lot of fun. The girls had a really good time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Saga part 2

So, the same day that youngest had her melt down son comes home from school and tells us he was pulled out of class, made to sit in front of the headmasters office and was questioned by the police. Without us getting a call? A little odd. His math teacher also e-mailed back that the two days he stayed for extra help were not with him.

The next day hubby called the housemaster (both housemasters got on the line). There was an incident at school and the police were there. Son was not involved at all, was never pulled from class and they gave hubby the names of the two officers that were there. Hubby then stopped by the PD and talked to them. They never talked to son. And the officer son claims was there was not at the school at all because the incident in question involved his son.

Even with this information son continues to stick to his original story. When I said the officer in question was not there he was genuinely confused. I believe he rehearses these stories so much in his head that he actually believes they happened.

He did stay after school and did homework but, did not talk to his math teacher. He is failing math. With some really hard work on his part he could pass the class and not have to repeat it. Hard work is not in his vocabulary - at least as far as school is concerned especially if he doesn't click with the teacher.

Saturday morning father and son had a heart to heart, tears were shed by both and some issues involving bio were cleared up as well. Bio the root to the lying and melt downs.

That night I took the girls to see the Wolfpack (hockey) and hubby took son to the Army Navy store and hooters. Son even posed with a hooters girl for a picture. Now, if we can only figure out how to get it off the phone and onto the computer for printing.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saga interupted

I will spill about son at a later date as the drama has slowed to a dull roar.

The first day of Spring was glorious in every way. The weather was beautiful and oldest finally passed all the tests and jumped through the ring of fire and has her driver's license. I then took her prom shopping and came home with a dress, purse, shoes, earrings and a neckless. Little miss naggy nag (youngest) was thrilled because I stopped for ice cream cones on the way home. Then my hubby took me to dinner and a movie. I couldn't ask for a better day.

Oldest took her first solo drive last night to the fire department. No more taxi driving for her. What freedom - for both of us.

And last night my computer came back from the doctor so I will be playing blog catch up.

Hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring so far.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saga Part 1

Wonder why I don't sleep well lately? And to all those who think I'm doing a great job as a mom - thanks it means a lot and at least someone thinks I'm doing OK. My kids not so much - well, bio has told them that giving birth is the only way you can be a great mom. I guess the manual drops out with the placenta. This is the same women who mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically abuses them every chance she gets but hey, I didn't give birth so what do I know?

Youngest's 6th grade class is filled with a group of boys that are disruptive to say the least. The parents condone their wild behavior. The group has been broken up between the three teachers as best they can but Goddess bless them.

One of these little boys I'll call SS (spawn of Satan) decided one recess to ask youngest to be his girlfriend as a joke. She thought he was crazy and wanted no part of him. Because we have told her that if you ignore silly comments they will stop that is what she did. Then his friends got involved because they thought this was really funny. Youngest ran to get away. They thought this was a hoot and chased her. One of her friends stepped in. The teacher on duty told youngest's teacher. Her and the school councilor talked to youngest. Then they talked to SS and his comment was, "she never said no." Needless to say we have amended our teachings on bullies. Scares the stuffing out of me - can just picture SS sitting there in court with that same excuse as his defense. Oh, this is the same boy who sends pictures of himself in his boxers to the girls in class.

This incident really bothered youngest. It ignited the I want my mommy instinct. In phone calls to bio she related that she has forgotten what bio looks like and wondered if she was coming for a visit. Bio says, "I sent you a picture." Youngest went on about how she hates it here and wants to live with bio and that there is nothing to do here. Bio said there was nothing to do there either. And when bio asked if I was treating her badly youngest replied, "no, she's really nice to me." As she cried hysterically.

But, despite the words I was still the bad guy because of course I could be. Then Thursday night youngest had a complete melt down. Dad never fought for me, Dad doesn't love me, you and Dad wouldn't let me say good bye to my dying I'm not sure how he's related (great uncle). Dad fought extremely hard and that is why you are here. If Dad didn't love you would you have a room of your own, clothes that fit, food in your tummy, Girl Scouts, vacations, posters, books,hugs and kisses good night.......
And if your uncle was so sick why didn't bio go say good bye without you kids? Because she was trying to kidnap them once again. Round and round we went in a conversational, crying snot running down your face type of way. Youngest cried herself to sleep and I barely slept. She was going to call bio the next day.

On the way to work I called my mommy in tears and talked until I arrived at work and was laughing. Apparently my ex husband is grounded by his wife when he doesn't do his chores. LOL

Hubby offered to take her bike riding after school. He was called into work but made a point to call her and reschedule. She never made a phone call. She was the most chipper kid I've seen in ages and I took everyone out to dinner because after two hours of sleep I wasn't cooking.

And in the midst of all that their is son.

St Patrick's Day

I'm off from work today. I called yesterday and they had an opening at the spa for a long, long over due massage. I deserve and need one after last week. That will be a future post. The corn beef is in the crock pot along with carrots, parsnips and potatoes. I will add the cabbage a little later. Actually I have two crock pots going. I want some leftovers to make corn beef hash - yum! Enjoy your day!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I don't mean to pry

As I was doing youngest's nails yesterday she mentioned that she wished she could see bio sometime. I explained that would not be happening anytime soon.
Why not?
Well, she has filed no paperwork with the court.
Doesn't that cost money? (Bio is constantly telling the kids that we are rich{LOL} and she has no money)
The court could give her a free lawyer just like they did for the divorce or she could represent herself again.
Oh, Kim have you ever had to go to court?
Yes, for my divorce.
I didn't know you were divorced (really, there are pictures of me in a wedding gown dancing with my brother and I've never tried to hide the fact)
Then she says, I don't mean to pry into your personal business but why did you get divorced?

I don't mean to pry into your personal business - it just struck me funny and odd all at the same time.
I explained to her the basic reasons and ended the conversation with saying that sometimes bad things happen with good results. If we hadn't divorced I would never be sitting here with you and that is one of the best things to ever happen to me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

week end excitement

Friday night youngest and I went and played bingo at the school. It cost me $2.50 for the two of us to have six boards in front of us for 15 games of bingo. Throw in the ice cream cup and water I bought for her and she is still a pretty cheap date. I got a Bingo along with two other people and split the prize money. I broke even for the night. Hey, that's the kind of excitement I have in my life.

Saturday was beautiful out; the kind of day where you know for sure that spring really is coming. I baked chocolate chip cookies, cowboy cookies and pumpkin muffins. I dropped a plate off with my adopted nephew and took the rest to the TFD. I haven't been to their fire house since Christmas and our schedules finally meshed. I've been tracking their schedule since then. In the afternoon I loaded up youngest's bike and the girls and I met my girlfriend and her son (with his bike) by the reservoir to walk (and ride). What a perfect day for it. The place was swarming with people thrilled to be outside again.

Son was glued to the TV and movies he's seen a million times before. He went to work with hubby last night. Hubby brought him home around four. And he just woke him up and took him to drill for the rope rescue team. Son should have no problems sleeping tonight.

Next week is filled with course selections, Girl Scouts and parent teacher conferences. Oh boy, am I excited. Not! Well, Saturday night we are going to Girl Scout night for the Wolf Pack hockey team. That will be fun. I just have my two girls and I love watching hockey.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

date morning

Hubby works night shift - five days on and three off. I work day shift and usually work on his days off if they fall during the week days and not on girl scouts and.... I mentioned that a friend of mine holds Friday nights as date night with her Beloved. Nothing comes between the two of them and date night. Hubby liked the idea and said once we are "normal" schedules and per chance have money to go on dates we could try it. We do go on dates just not weekly. I was off today and hubby came home after his last night shift for the week and asked if I had breakfast yet. So after putting youngest on the bus while I showered we headed out for a breakfast date. It is so nice catching up face to face. I only have a cell phone to talk to hubby on my way to work - youngest is up, showered and eating breakfast, I took .... out for dinner, see you when I get home. We have dinner every night with the kids and then we are off and running again taking this one here and that one there. So, today I got to enjoy breakfast and a quiet day with my hubby. Doesn't get any better than that!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Awesome book

The First Thing and the Last by Allan G Johnson is a must read. I bought this book last week end. I usually read several books at a time until I eventually finish one. This book though painful to read at times captured my attention and carried me all the way to the end. My hubby had to tell me to put the book down and go to bed. I woke up and read some more and spent the afternoon reading the rest of it.

It is a book about domestic violence. This is why it is painful. As you read you realize that this could happen to any one. This could have happened to me. The pain, fear and loss of self permeates the pages and seeps into the reader. The reaction to the situation by friends and family made me furious. It also made me wonder if this is the same reaction I would receive.

I think everyone should read this book. I think it should be read and discussed in high school classes.

Ham & Cauliflower Scallop

The girls enjoyed it. I loved it. Hubby was disappointed it wasn't mac and cheese.

Cauliflower & Ham Scallop

White sauce:
¼ cup butter
1/3 cup flour
2 cups milk
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard

1 can mushrooms
Or 8 oz. chopped fresh mushrooms
2 Cups ham
1 head cauliflower, partially cooked
Or 2 bags frozen cauliflower
½ cup shredded dill havarti
½ cup Panco
1 Tbsp Butter, melted

White sauce: melt butter and sauté mushrooms if using fresh. Whisk in flour. Cook for a minute. Whisk in milk and Dijon. Cook until thickened.

Layer ham, cauliflower and mushrooms in casserole dish. Pour white sauce over. Top with cheese. Mix melted butter and panco and sprinkle on top.

Bake 30 minutes at 375°.
